Friday, May 12, 2006

Weekend with the Smiths

We all had a nice time in Tyler and Carthage last weekend. It was combined into a big family get together, meet and greet for 2 cousins' new fiances, and celebration in a ceremony for Matt's grandfather having a building at Panola College being named after him. Camille especially had fun with all the cousins around her same age. At the Tyler family gathering Camille took a little while to warm up to all the kids, and then she went wild playing with everyone.

Camille loved her first driving experience. I've rarely seen such an excited and happy look on her face as when she drove the battery powered jeep. Fortunately Shannon had already tied the steering wheel so Camille could only drive in circles. That's a good thing because she doesn't have any concept of steering. She also didn't have much concept of looking ahead, and the kids ended up playing bumper cars a few times. This was an event requiring active adult supervision because none of the kids are old enough to look out for each other.

I think probably her favorite thing was playing in the puddles with all the kids after it rained a Texas-style gully-washer. All the kids got soaked and had the time of their lives!! They were dancing, stomping, and riding tricycles through the water. They had to go straight to the bath for cleaning off and warming up afterwards. --Stephanie

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