Monday, December 18, 2006

School Christmas program and party

On Friday at school Camille's class had a Christmas party and a little program for the parents who could attend at 11am. Camille was confused because the party fell on the same day as my birthday. Despite my explanations to the contrary, she still thinks the party was in my honor. My mom and I went to the party and the kids were excited having all the parents around. They are wearing reindeer hats, incase you can't tell in the photos. The kids sang us two Christmas songs, and Camille B-Bopped along and played around with her hat, but she didn't sing much. Though the kids were active, I was impressed with how well the teachers had the kids under control. Then the kids listened to 2 books, read by 2 mothers. Camille listened intently to both books.--Stephanie

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