Monday, February 08, 2010

Camille's baptism

A few weeks ago Camille asked Jesus into her heart. We are so happy about her decision!! She was baptized yesterday at church. She was extremely excited, not a bit nervous. I was the one with butterflies in my stomach. I stood with her behind the scenes in the dressing room, while Matt, Nana, Papa, Grandma and Grandpa watched from the congregation. I'm glad we got it on video tape because I wasn't really able to watch the actual baptism. I just put my camera out to get a picture. The congregation laughed out loud during it, and I had to ask 3 times before I could get someone back stage to tell me what happened. Camille was just wanting to make sure she got her nose plugged and was anxious to go under. She was holding her nose really early, and then she realized that it wasn't time so she put her hand down. When Martin turned her she realized the time was approaching but really he had some more things to say. Camille jumped the gun, plugged her nose and was arching backward in his arms. Everyone started laughing and he just went ahead and dunked her. Matt took video which I got to watch last night. I've never heard the congregation laugh out during a baptism. Only Camille! You know, when she went down to the front of the church to share her decision a few weeks ago, she was so excited that she literally skipped/jumped over to Pastor Steve with a huge smile on her face! The congregation laughed out loud then too. Camille knows how to be the center of attention!

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