Wednesday, March 24, 2010

ANOTHER snowy day in Dallas!

We woke up to another snowy day on Sunday. It was impressively thick again. The temperature was warm, so most of it melted that day. After church, the girls went out to play in the snow and had fun building another snowman. We didn't see anybody else out playing (last time we had the big snow there were snowmen all over the neighborhood). The funniest part was when I looked out the and saw a pair of mallard ducks walking up our front walk. Apparently Mama Duck was looking for something because she walked all around our flower beds. Those are duck prints in the snow on the front walk.

I took some good advice from a friend (thanks, Lauren) for Texans who don't usually need snow boots by covering their shoes with grocery bags and rubberbands. It worked like a charm. Dry feet!!

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