Saturday, January 20, 2007

Lily loves to smile and coo. She is also enjoying lying underneath her jungle gym, and she is starting to realize that she can hit toys with her clenched fist.

Camille loves to dress up and pretend. Note Camille's fashion sense--Sombrero with green and yellow Baylor bead necklaces and purple Dora slippers.

Camille likes to talk on the phone. Here Camille is talking with papa on Matt's cell phone. One day I let her answer our home phone because I was feeding Lily and I knew it was Matt calling. I tried to tell her that this was a one-time activity for her, but Camille thought it was so fun that for a week afterward she yelled out that she would answer the phone every time it rang. I think I've finally convinced her that she's too young to answer the phone, and I won't make the mistake again for a while.--Stephanie

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