Sunday, September 17, 2006

Barbie Jeep

Camille's Nana and Papa bought her a Barbie Jeep before she stayed with them for a week back in July. She loved it, of course! She remembered playing with her cousins' jeep a few months earlier. The Barbie Jeep has been staying in Houston because we really didn't have a place to keep it here. Matt recently bought rubbermaid shed that's perfect for the jeep and her tricycles now (and for bicycles and other outdoor toys in the future). Here is a picture of Camille riding around our backyard. She's not adept at steering yet, but getting better. It's still a Daddy/Camille contact sport at this point. Camille also loves the shed, which she affectionately calls the "barn." Camille driving into the barn is scary, but luckily everything is made of plastic.

I started my maternity leave a little earlier than expected. My body hasn't been coping with this pregnancy as easily as the first. My doctor and I agreed that it would be best for me to stop working. It's given me more time to rest because Camille still goes to preschool. I've also had a chance to take care of many loose ends around here, resting whenever I need to. Though my belly looks small compared to many pregnant women, I'm already pretty uncomfortable in my 8th month. The baby had found some nerves to pound on, which stops me in my tracks. My body goes kind of involuntary, and I feel like I've been struck by lightning. I found bought a reclincer for my little study, and Matt ran the cable to my little TV. It's been really nice. I've seen Matt eyeing my chair, but he wouldn't dare steal from a pregnant woman. --Stephanie

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